61: Learning Generosity

"...real generosity requires requires learning something different, something that may not feel natural for many people. It often requires real personal change. A better understanding of how generosity works can aid that learning and change..."This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition.Reflection questions:How will you take time to explore your own generosity?Will you consider the most important generous person you know and reflect on how they become such a generous person?To purchase this book: The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. Copyright: Oxford University Press 2014. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


60: Imaginations Stretched

"...The brain is stirred. The emotions may be provoked, desires clarified, the imagination stretched...."This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition.Reflection questions:Will you choose a cause other than your own where you can meet with their staff or volunteers to listen with imagination and have your horizons expanded?Will you intentionally reach out to an organization that you wouldn’t typically support in order to be exposed to a different community of people?To purchase this book: The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. Copyright: Oxford University Press 2014. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


59: Generosity to Our Opponents

"...You have heard people say, “Love your neighbors and hate your enemies.” But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you..."This week, I am reading the words of Jesus and His approach to opponents from Matthew 5 and 6.Reflection questions:If you were to give your fundraising appeal to an opponent to read, how would they respond?  Would the letter be consider fair?  Considerate?  Even loving?When you are speaking with a donor about an opponent of your mission, are you portraying the opponent in the best possible light even if you are outlining policy or tactical disagreements?  View the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon about Enmity and Fundraising Letters from July 7, 1995.The text of Matthew 5 and 6 have entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


58: Generosity to Those Who Offend

"...Ninthly, that meekness is invincible, where it is genuine, and sincere without hypocrisy. For, what can the most insolent do to you, if you stedfastly persist in kindness to him, and, upon occasion, mildly admonish and instruct him thus, at the very time he is attempting to do you an injury?.."This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around 171 AD.Reflection questions:How do you approach donors with opinions that are different to your own?How can you be intentional about showing kindness and gently instructing while being secure in your cause?This work has entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


57 Disappointment with Donors

"...many of our disappointments and much of our happiness arise from our forming false notions of things and persons. We strangely impose upon ourselves; we create a fairy land of happiness..."This week, I am reading from Abigail Adams’ letter to Hannah Lincoln, written in 1761.Reflection questions:Where are you experiencing disappointments with donors?  Can you release the donor and not the vision?As you create a fairy land of happiness, that is a vision of impact, how will you hold the list of donors as changeable?This work has entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


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