Live in Joy

When was the last time you stepped back to view the greater horizon of the mission you serve? Is it time to step back again and live in the love, health, peace, and joy to see what you get to fundraise for? Think now of donors, who are the donors that you can share that joy of living in the greater horizon of the mission? Not to cultivate, ask, or steward, but to simply have a conversation of joy with them. Who are the donors coming to mind now? Listen to this week’s Reflection on Generosity and join in the comments below.


The Degree of Goodness

When was there a time when you were overwhelmed with the generosity of others because their generosity to you was given with such a spirit of joy that you received the generosity with pleasure? Is there an area of your fundraising work that you would like to bring in that same spirit of joy? How will you do so this week?


The Heart Enlarged

How are we sharing the vision of the causes we serve?  In sharing our visions, are we welcoming our communities to unite with us and have their hearts enlarged? How are we showing donors the collective impact we have together by combining our efforts? Listen to this week's Reflection on Generosity and join in the comments below.


The Right to Be Generous

While we never want our clients to feel as if they owe the nonprofit for the services they receive, how are we giving our clients and, especially, former clients the opportunity to be generous? Listen to this week's Reflection on Generosity and join in the comments below.


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