70: Generosity in Failure

"...All that happens, happens right: you will find it so if you observe narrowly..." This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around 171 AD. Reflection questions: When you have failed in your work recently, how are observing narrowly for the right things that came out of it? Are you seeking perfection or goodness in your fundraising activities? Reflection on the quote: In working with over 100 clients, it’s not surprising that I’m well-acquainted with failure as well. A donor event that no one shows up to. An email campaign that raises zero dollars. A year-end direct mail campaign that goes out in January. A fundraising event where no one gives.  As much as I want every campaign, event, fundraising activity to be successful, that’s not real life.  So how do we grapple with that. This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written around 171 AD. All that happens, happens right.  Notice that Aurelius did nt say, all that happens, happens perfectly.  Or, successfully.  But, he says “right if you observe narrowly.” We can get stuck in embarrassment or paralysis.  We can fear that donors will stop giving to us because of…


69: Weep and Plant Again

..."And then with a cry from his soul despairing,He bowed him down to the earth and wept.But a voice cried aloud from the driving rain;“Arise, old man, and plant again!” This week, I’m reading a poem, Disappointed, written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, published in 1913. Reflection question: Is there an area of your work where you have been disappointment and you need to stop and weep before moving forward? Reflection on the quote: This week, something sad happened with a nonprofit in my community. Often, I focus on the positive side of generosity.  Yet, with generosity, sometimes there is a pain.  It’s a pain that comes from striving for good and giving generously and yet seeing our work swept away.  When we face times of disappointment, it is easy to respond in two ways.  To give up and walk away from our work. We may walk away physically, leaving our job or volunteer position.  Or, we walk away emotionally, no longer truly engaged in our work.  The other way we can respond is to push through and act as though the disappointment didn’t happen.  Unfortunately, disappointments build up and we can’t keep pushing without burning out.  This poem gives a third way. …


68: Living Splendor

"...Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering,Cast them away as ugly, or heavy, or hard.Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor,Woven of love, by wisdom, with power..."This week, I’m reading a poem written by Greville MacDonald to his father George MacDonald in 1930.Reflection question:When will you take time to pause, wait, and look deeper to glimpse joy, beauty, and living splendor? Reflection on quote:In our work, it is easy to become overcome by the immediate needs we face.  Unlike for-profit organizations, our goal is to put ourselves out of business by tackling challenges outlined in our mission and vision.  Because of this, the immediate needs can lead to burnout and stress.  But, if we pause, we can glimpse something else.Yes, our days are often full of trial, sorrow or duty. Yet, though our work we bring life, meaning, and purpose.  And, within that, we can glimpse joy, beauty, and living splendor. As MacDonald writes, could we but see.  That seeing takes time.  Time for us to pause and waiting and look deeper beneath the covering and the shadows.This work has entered the public domain.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching…


67: Thinking and Deeds

"...To think and to will without doing, when there is opportunity, is like a flame enclosed in a vessel and goes out; also like seed cast upon the sand, which fails to grow, and so perishes with its power of germination. But to think and will and from that to do is like a flame that gives heat and light all around, or like a seed in the ground that grows up into a tree or flower and continues to live..."This week, I’m reading a quote that sums up Johnny Appleseed’s beliefs from Heaven and Hell by Emmanuel Swedenborg, published in 1758.Reflection questions:How many of your fundraising goals are outcome goals and how many are process goals?How would your conversations with donors be different if you focused on process goals?Reflection on quote:Earlier this week, I read an article about goals and whether to envision the process to reach the outcome or the outcome. The article referenced the life and work of John Chapman; otherwise known as Johnny Appleseed.  Like many, I pictured Johnny Appleseed as wandering aimlessly around the countryside, randomly sprinkling seeds that grew into trees and, against all odds, orchards.  But that wasn’t the case at all.  Instead, Johnny Appleseed,…


66: Curiosity

"...The first and the simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity..."This week, I’m reading a quote from On the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke, published in 1756.Reflection questions:What is your personality like:  do you prefer the new and novel or the familiar and dependable?What do you think your donor base needs right now?  And, based on what you know about your personality, are you willing to step outside your comfort zone to adapt to your donors’ needs? Reflection on Quote:In my work reviewing materials from fund development professionals, I often see two ends of the spectrum.  Either the work is completely new - every story, every word, every way to invite the donor to join in the mission is new.  On the other end the work is recycled year after year - the same story, the same words, the same call to action.  Honestly, there are times where either one of those is appropriate - the new and the novel or the recycled and the dependable. We are, our donors are, naturally curious.  We want to know the new, novel information, novel stories about the work we are supporting.  For this reason, we start with blank screens to write…


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