89: Generosity with Discernment
"...Where there is quiet and meditation, there is neither worry nor dissipation...." This week, I’m reflecting on Of the Virtues putting Vices to Flight by Francis of Assisi, first published in English in 1906. Reflection questions: Which virtue do you want to cultivate this week? Complete this sentence, This week, I want our donors to know and feel... Reflection on quote: As I record this week’s reflection, there continues to be so much upheaval for nonprofits. How we respond matters to our missions in the long-term. Yes, from the last two episodes, we can lean into enmity or we can pull back from engaging with our donors. Yet, both options lead to long-term damage to our donor relationships and our communities. As we continue in our work amidst the uncertainty, what posture should we have? In the face of uncertainty, what do these virtues do? When we lean into patience and humility, we react calmly. This leads to increased trust by our donors. This increased trust helps when we share hard news of funding losses or program closures. When there is poverty borne with joy, we communicate an attitude of abundance. This allows generosity to become contagious among our donors who…