26: A Leader’s Culture of Abundance

"...the moral challenge of generosity can also push people to confront and overcome their emotional, existential fears about insufficiency, their psychological perceptions of scarcity as a mode of life that governs their world..."This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition.Reflection questions:If you work in an organization with a culture of insecurity and scarcity, what are ways you fortify a culture of abundance in yourself and that which you have direct control over?If one of your community partners is stuck in a culture of insecurity and scarcity, how can you create boundaries so that culture doesn’t permeate the culture of the nonprofit you serve?  And, how can you model the culture of abundance in your organization to your community?To purchase this book: The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. Copyright: Oxford University Press 2014. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


25: Overwhelmed by Kindness

..." It is in itself an expression of gratitude to speak of one's self as overwhelmed by kindness."This week, I am reading a story and quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD.Reflection Question:No matter the donor or the donor’s motivation, how are you and I receiving gifts? What is the attitude of our hearts?To read this writing: On Benefits by Seneca the YoungerThis work has entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


24: Means of Generosity

"... You see how the mind even in the straitest circumstances finds the means of generosity."This week, I am reading a story and quote from On Benefits by Seneca the Younger, published in 59 AD.Reflection Questions:Consider the volunteers you interact with, how are you going beyond thanking them for their time and instead honoring the gift of their own self?How are we restoring them to themselves; that is, sharing with them the greater impact the gift of their time and person has in the mission together we serve?To read this writing: On Benefits by Seneca the YoungerThis work has entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


23: Nurture Goodness

"When conventional economic and marketing assumptions shape and undergird the work of charitable fundraising, whether for Christian organizations or others, potential donors will often be approached with the expectation that they will be more interested in having their names in the program or on a plaque or in receiving a premium or a tax break than in giving to help others 'out of the goodness of their hearts.'"This week, I am reading a quote from Growing Givers’ Hearts by Thomas Jeavons and Rebekah Burch Basinger. 2000 edition.Reflection questions:Is there a donor to whom you have tried to offer an exchange of a tangible items and they seemed not to want it?  How can you shift to a mindset of relationship in your conversations with that donor?How are you nurturing relationships with donors that are excited to see the world-changing and life-giving power of their donations?To purchase this book:  Growing Givers’ Hearts by Thomas Jeavons and Rebekah Burch Basinger. Copyright permissions granted for use of this quote.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


22: The Good of Love Expressed

This week, I’m reading a quote from The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. 2014 edition.Reflection questions: How are we continuing to give opportunities for donors to be generous to the mission we serve as they are also giving to others because of world events?To purchase this book: The Paradox of Generosity by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson. Copyright: Oxford University Press 2014. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


21: Sit Down and Rest

"Once there was a tree..."This week, I’m reading The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, published in 1964.Reflection questions: As fundraisers, when are we the tree and when are we the boy?How are we sitting down and resting with our giving partners?To purchase this book: The Giving Tree by Shel SilversteinSend me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


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