62: Humble Ignorance
"...Acknowledging that one does not know is a humble kind of ignorance, one that is, in fact, filled often with the joy of discovery and wonder at what is discovered..."This week, I’m reading a quote from Imposed Ignorance and Humble Ignorance - Two Worldviews by Paul Heltne, published in 2008.Reflection Questions:Are we building structures and processes in our work that demand certainty or are we building those structures and processes to encourage discovery and wonder?Are we willing to be honest and humble with donors when we need to make a course correction?Reflection on the QuoteEarlier this week, I was coaching a client through the process of asking for a corporate sponsorship. She knew that this was an area that she knew little about, but instead of being defensive, she embraced this ignorance with openness and curiosity. It stuck me. How am I approaching my ignorance whether it’s about a donor or a fundraising technique or a trend in the field.This also applies to generosity. We can approach donor relationships with certainty, with standard practices, and yet we may never find out the true reason a donor is giving to our organizations. In the face of our certainty, the donor may feel foolish…