38: May I Be

"...May I be a guard for those who have no protector, A guide for those who journey on the road.For those who wish to go across the water, May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge..."This week, I am reading a reflection from Shantideva from the 8th century AD.Reflection Questions:Which metaphor most resonates with your work?Consider asking a donor which metaphor resonates with them about your work.To read:  Shantideva BodhisattvaThis work has entered the public domain.Send me a Text Message.To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


37: Patience

"...For with wisdom cometh patience, And with patience cometh rest..."This week, I am reading the poem The Hardest Time of All, by Sarah Doudney. Written in 1896.Reflection Questions:Will you reflect on your current fundraising or mission challenges and consider where perseverance, patience, wisdom, and rest can enter in?Will you take the time to document those challenges and then schedule an email to send that reflection to yourself in a year?To read: The Hardest Time of AllWhat do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


36: Pride and Joy

"...She's somebody's mother, boys, you know,For all she's aged and poor and slow."And I hope some fellow will lend a handTo help my mother, you understand,..."This week, I am reading the poem Somebody’s Mother by Mary Dow Brine. Written in 1878. Reflection questions:In thinking of your work, what is your somebody’s fill-in-the-blank?What brings you pride and joy in your work this week?To read: Somebody's MotherThis work has entered the public domain.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


35: Rise Together with the Giver

"...See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.     For in truth it is life that gives unto life—while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness...."This week, I am reading the poem On Giving by Kahil Gibran. Published in 1923.Reflection question:How are you rising together with the giver, whatever their motivation?To explore more: the poems of Kahil Gabran.This poem has entered the public domain.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


34: Open Hands Giving Hearts

"...Those who hoard their gifts, living with clenched fists, suffer the sadness of a pinched soul and a miserly existence. They never experience the extravagant blessings that come to those who live with open hands and giving hearts...This week, I am reading various quotes from Being Generous by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, published in 2009.Reflection question:In this field,  how is your soul being shaped this week?  With an open hand and giving heart? or Clenched fists and a pinched soul?To purchase this book:  Being Generosity by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch.   To receive a 30% discount with free shipping, use code: RUSA30.Permissions granted by Templeton Press for use of this quote.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


33: Other-Concern

"...I would say that other‐preservation is the first law of life. It is the first law of life precisely because we cannot preserve self without being concerned about preserving other selves..."In honor of the Reverend Martin Luther King Junior Day in the United States, I thought I would share two related quotes from him. Both of these quotes come from the time of his launch of the Poor People’s Campaign.Reflection questions:How will you invite someone in your community to join you in this other-concern work?If you have had a hard week in your work, what do you most need to recharge? Time with the clients you serve to see the difference you are making?  Time with a donor to hear why they support the cause? Or time away with your community? Take the time.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching deeper and to schedule an exploratory session, visit ServingNonprofits.com.Music credit: Woeisuhmebop


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