68: Living Splendor
"...Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering,Cast them away as ugly, or heavy, or hard.Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor,Woven of love, by wisdom, with power..."This week, I’m reading a poem written by Greville MacDonald to his father George MacDonald in 1930.Reflection question:When will you take time to pause, wait, and look deeper to glimpse joy, beauty, and living splendor? Reflection on quote:In our work, it is easy to become overcome by the immediate needs we face. Unlike for-profit organizations, our goal is to put ourselves out of business by tackling challenges outlined in our mission and vision. Because of this, the immediate needs can lead to burnout and stress. But, if we pause, we can glimpse something else.Yes, our days are often full of trial, sorrow or duty. Yet, though our work we bring life, meaning, and purpose. And, within that, we can glimpse joy, beauty, and living splendor. As MacDonald writes, could we but see. That seeing takes time. Time for us to pause and waiting and look deeper beneath the covering and the shadows.This work has entered the public domain.What do you think?To explore fundraising coaching…